by SashaS

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Lupine Howl
Cyber deep, organic high
Beats, chords, country and rap have intercourse in the aurally lush lair of Lupine Howl

There's an unwritten law in the music biz: a star is always right as long as they're selling cargo-planes of records and nobody says "No!", until it's too late. It is mentioned here because that is exactly the experience of Lupine Howl; three of them were members of Spiritualized who got canned because the band's leader was surrounded by yes-people who talked him into believing that he was -the band! Well, that's what Lupine Howl's singer and guitarist/bassist Sean Cook reckons, blaming it on the corrupting power of money.

Lupine Howl's music is a striking amalgam - garagey, primitive at times; repetition building seemingly ascending melodies to reach the state of altered consciousness. Traditional and modern at the same time, without being in-vogue, these are songs for the daydreaming hour, mixing rock and progressive breaks with electronica in complex sonic arrangements. If Lupine Howl were American they'd already be hailed as highly as Queens Of The Stone Age!

Playing their recent show in London the band had an opportunity to air the material from the almostfinished (due in April) debut album and it's an eclectic collection of tunes a true music lover could only wish for. Imagine Lupine Howl as an animal, it would be paranoid with the full range of psychic disorders.

"It's become really liberating," says Cook voicing his renewed creative buzz, "because we can do whatever we want. We were frustrated for such a long time and now we can let our fancy fly. We might not have the budget to match Spiritualized. 'Ladies And Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space' (1997) cost £lm and we've recorded our album for £60,000, but we have the ideas and have had to become inventive to turn the shortcomings into an advantage."

Way out exchange program

Sean Cook and Mike Mooney are the principal members of the band while fellow Spritualized ejectee Damon Reece is only an associate member. "He is Liz (Cocteau Twins) Frazer's boyfriend and has so many things on the go. He worked with us on the album and has played occasionally live, when he has had time. He'll continue to collaborate with us..."

"What we tried to achieve on this album," Cook continues, "is to base our sound on what we've done but let in many more influences that had been surpassed in Spiritualized. We can incorporate country sounds and rapping is not far behind! We've got so much different music in us and can hardly wait to tackle it all."

"You can't dwell on the past," the singer points out, "because it's destructing. Whatever bitterness there was should be left behind and we need to concentrate on the future. It's a much more exciting place than dwelling on bad experiences, although that might be inspirational, as well. We've never tried to filter anything, like Spiritualized. Music is like life, full of different experiences and inspirations, including the things that have come into the world lately."

Sweet release

Parallel to making the forthcoming Lupine Howl album, Mooney was busy on another project Applecraft. With a little help from Cook, Mooney hooked up with solo artist Don (Richard) Mandarin, once part of the Pop Group (period-Bristol, circa late-80s).

"I did several things for it, but was mainly concentrating on our album, apart from doing some DJing. I've been so busy over the past year and the three singles we've had so far is only the beginning of our exploration. I can hardly wait for some time off and we're getting it now, before the release of the album!"

"That's my favourite time," Cook concludes, "the work is done and there is nothing you can do anymore but wait. Oh, anticipation, the sweet anticipation!"

Lupine Howl's album 'Carnivorous Lunar Activities Of' is released 16 April 2001 on Vinyl Hiss/Beggars Banquet