Live Review
by SashaS

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Live: Lo-Fidelity AllStars
The Scala, London
Thursday, January 31, 2002
Lo-Fidelity AllStars preview new album about love as a live blitz

Soundclash was back when Lo-Fidelity AllStars showcased their new (only second studio) album, ‘Don’t Be Afraid Of Love’ in London, at the end of a shortish Brit-tour. And, it was a triumphant display of power by a band that record-wise has been inactive for a number of years. This is a true supplant to the debut ‘How To Operate With A Blown Mind’ (1998) as the ‘On The Floor At The Boutique’ (a year later) was a mix-album.

A great many things have changed since those heady days, mainly filled in with DJing and making Americans aware that there is fun and games outside long defined genres. Members have changed, new vocalists discovered, new musical direction forged… After departure of the original vocalist the band never replaced him and either share the voice duty or get guest singers in.

Therefore tonight none of the vocal tracks from the new album – such as Bootsy ‘Parlament Funkadelic’ Collins’s ‘On The Pier’ – could be included because guests weren’t anywhere near the venue. Still, seven tracks find place in the set and reception is rather positive with audience happily bopping to the beats. Naturally the former hits, ‘Vision Incision’, ‘Blisters On My Brain’ and ‘Battleflag’ in particular, threaten the building’s foundation.

Hand-held camera footage is interestingly mixed with pre-taped images for backdrop projections while lights blaze like it were a Chinese New Year. These cyber-punkers mix a lot of herbs into a spice-bowl for a potent Leeds-stew (relocated to the musicians’ colony known as Brighton) of funk, psychedelia, disco, soul, rock, electronica… The title of the new album might honour love soulfully but it is more aggressive tonight, in your face and dictating your movements.

At times Lo-Fidelity AllStars sound like a throwback to the Madchester days of Happy Mondays, there is a shade of Primal Scream’s prime funkying days but also glances of the true rock-futuristic fashion. Lo-Fis are back and sure to surprise you at the time when musical offerings have become as sterile as blockbuster movies.

Hail the samplittude!

Lo-Fidelity AllStar’s album ‘Don’t Be Afraid Of Love’ is released 18 February 2002 on Skint/Sony