Faithless offer perfect companion to sophisticated dancing
A lot of thing5 have happened around Faithless since their last publicity bout and the-major change-has been their once part-time member, Dido, going to become a megastar in her own right. She still makes a welcome guest showing on 'Outrospective' and not only because tha stardia-filling atmo-blonde is younger sister of Rollo, Dido is also the best friend with the band's turntablist, Sister Bliss.
The immediate impression of 'Outrospective' is that it trails behind the first two albums, ' Reverence' and 'Sunday 8pm', although it has its stunning moments. 'Not Enough Love' is an instant-of-eternity when it seems that everything is right in the world. It is 5 minutes of total bliss, tapping into the indivudual emotion-heaven and blizting it with the need to hit the 'repeat' button. More sublime is' Code', so delicate sounding like there is a chance of breaking inside the player.
'Outrospective's' main shortfall is lack of ear-arresting melodies of yore. What the first two albums had in abundance was hybrid of House and Ambience will killer tunes, in short - beautiful music for hip-adults. That is rather rare here and the recent minor hit 'We Come I' is a good example where energy feels dispersed and/or pointing in the wrong direction. The same goes for 'Tarantula' ; it's like Maxi Jazz and the other two principal members were flirting with conventions a tad too much.
There has been an explosion of media over the past several years that have necessitated promotion of lesser talent, which is the nature of the beast's expansion - the quality suffers. Still, while culture (?!) is tuned into analysis of bagatelles - discussing 'tumuscent tush' of J-Lo, however damn-desirable, pleeezzzze - Faithless know their bailiwick and stand it firm.
'Outrospective' (love the title) might be patchy but bound to be the sound track to the traffic jams during the summer in the city.