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Trans-Global Underground: Yes Boss Food Corner
Album Review


A mosaic of sounds like a carefree karma mall

Trans-Global Underground's name indicates the combination of many musical genres to form what should be termed 'Global music'. But people tend to associate that term with Paul Simon's brand of ethno-lite. 'Yes Boss Food Corner' is fit enough to touch on many bases. Drawing its inspiration discriminately from the last several decades it amounts to an album that could satisfy an astute Adidas-metal fan as much as a tribal techno devotee or a Bob Marley fanatic.

Imagine drum 'n' bass, dub reggae, funk, soul, ethnic and ambient merged with guitar decorations in the best rock tradition plus myriad vocal stylings all fused into one cultural delicacy. TGU should be honoured as the first United Nations group for combining such diverse elements from the world's soundarama. Well, they still have to explore the industrial, punk, rockabilly and bargain airlines sectors...(oops, got distracted with holidaythoughts).

'Yes Boss Food Corner' launches with 'Drums Of Navarone' stating its intentions (mostly everything); war-like tendencies are referenced in 'Bhimpalasi Warriors' and 'London Zulu', but it's only figurative, this is a feelgood album. 'Spellbound' overloads the erotic portals with its funky beat, ethnic melody and chopping guitar figures; 'Scorch' burns like infected cattle (to get topical for no reason whatsoever). We're offered 'Secrets & Distant Dreams', invited to 'Step Over The Edge' and then TGU proclaim that 'One Of Our Dholaks Is Missing'. Not really, they're only mucking about.

The band, formed some 10 years ago with personnel in constant flux, includes founders Alex Kasiek and TU UP, long-standing member Coleridge and a host of others usually numbering an additional four (the now solo-artist Natasha Atlas used to be in the line-up). 'Yes Boss' is TGU's fifth full release, aimed to float your mental boat although your muscles should get a fair workout.

The mosaic of sounds is like a carefree karma mall revelling at the centre of creeping worldwide suburbia. Welcome to the neighbourhood...



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