Brutal Deluxe feature
From: mistahkurtz
Date: 15-11-2002
Thanks for your kind words.
I've forwarded the website address to quite a few people. It's a breath of fresh air to realize that there is life in rock journalism.
We're on tour at the moment and there should be a London date coming up pretty soon, I'll keep ya posted.
We knose he is a goodnik. Still, your words made the youngster blush despite an ego that towers Robbie’s height!
From: Michael
Subject: The Green and Yellow TV
Date: 30-10-2002
Subject: the green and yellow tv
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 00:09:56 -0000
Hello from Hollywood California,
My name is Michael Regilio and I play in The Green and Yellow TV. We've been compared to The Who, The Flaming Lips, The Beach Boys, and Beulah.
Our first record "As Performed By", received spins on John Peels famous radio show as well as rave reviews from all over the world.
Our follow up record "Record X", is out now and I would very much like to send a copy to you.
Drop me a line if you think you might want a copy and I'll send one along to you.
If you can't wait to hear The Green and Yellow TV check us out at www.thegreenandyellowtv.com
Yo, bro!
Please feel free to send it and tell your friends about us! Let them mail all the music that strives to move the hands of zeitgeist!
And, let’s revive the ‘70s slogan – Keep On Rocking! (Whatever the **** it means!)
From: Graham Smith
Subject: Submitted material
Date: 28-10-2002
Four articles sent/received.
Fellow scribbler,
Thank you for your support, interest and material you’ve submitted to this cyber-organ just to make our reply more difficult. It is no reflection on your work, an effort we appreciate greatly but right now – we are not looking for any contributors. We’d like to keep your name on our files and, if situation changes, we’d gladly get in touch.
Good look with your writing and do it daily. It’s like sex – practice makes it perfect.
From: Dirk of Germany
Subject: Fine!
Date: 25-10-2002
This site is still alive!
You're doing better than those guys from Scandinavia... perhaps you can buy their domain?
With devilish greetings
an ex-deo from Germany!
Thank you, ex-colleague!
Pleased with your fine wishes but we like to recall some past but not recreate it. Nostalgia is a foreign land to us and we’ve got our own destiny…
By the way, one of our mottos is ‘Carpe diem sine ira’; in other words – ‘Seize the moment without envy’.
Be happy.
From: administrator@beverleyknight.cjb.net
Subject: BK FanSite
Date: 24-10-2002
Hi ya!
Just come across your site through a google search, and found news related to Beverley Knight. I noticed that there is a links section there too.
I run the BEVERLEY KNIGHT UK F@NSITE @ http://www.beverleyknight.cjb.net and just wanted to know whether you could add my site to the Bev links section. I'd be really grateful for your help. I'm always updated with the latest news on BK.
Thanx for your help!
SJ Robertson (Webmaster)
Well, as if we wanted to prove the old adage – better ever than never…
It’s finally done and the interview is re-featured as the lady is touring in December; hopefully that will provide you with some more traffic.
Surf to heaven!
(16 Oct. 2001)
From: Jayne of Wimbledon
Subject: Feedback?
Date: 23-10-2002
What happened to your Feedback? Nobody’s writing to you?
Hello there.
Apology for not replying for a while, a year or something – but we’ve been suffering with the post-shock of the ‘9/11’ tragedy… Well, we were truly missing a Mail-slave; actually, we believed we could do it ourselves that turned out to be – nigh to impossible. So, there is a little ‘old’ lady, Ms Saba Letterman, who’ll be typing v. deep thoughts of our esteemed Ed.
So, get writing and we’ll respond few times a week, perhaps. If there is something we particularly like we might even reward with some promo stuff that is clattering our limited space.
Right now we’ve got a v. cool Foo Fighters’ black-on-black ltd-edish sweat-shirt that we like so much but if you touch our nerve, brain or hormone, we might part with it. There is also a pair of Kylie’s knickers (unworn but edible), Robbie Williams’s pack of chewing gums and Christina Aquilera’s biro…
Don’t forget to include address if you are interested in being considered.